Waxing On…about the history of encaustic painting, collagraph printmaking, encaustic restoration, studio practice, the moon and stars, and more.
Encaustic & Collagraph Printmaking
What is encaustic paint and collagraph printmaking, and how can these mediums be combined? Elise Wagner gives a brief history of encaustic and collagraph and shares her innovative encaustic collagraph printmaking process.
How to Make Collagraph Prints Using Wagner Encaustic Collagraph Wax
Wagner Encaustic Collagraph Wax is specially formulated for collagraph printmaking. Directions for use, video tutorial and product information.
Encaustic Restoration
Elise Wagner provides restoration consultations and services for collectors at her Portland, Oregon studio. Encaustic paintings or objects that need repair deserve the expert eye and the skillful touch of an experienced encaustic painter and restorationist.
Teaching Background & Student Testimonials
As a working artist, painter and printmaker Elise feels it is important to share her experience with students from around the world. Read student testimonials and more about teaching background.
Elise Wagner is an abstract painter and printmaker b. 1966, Jersey City, NJ.
A 2015-16 Pollock Krasner Award Recipient in addition to numerous regional awards from the Ford Family Foundation, Oregon Arts Commission and an Artist Resiliance Award from the Regional Arts & Culture Council, Elise is represented by galleries in Washington D.C., Palm Springs, Astoria, Oregon and Seattle.